Estate Plans / Guardianship / Probate


Happiness: the Pleasant Surprise of Estate Planning

I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was.   

Here was a grown man with his wife in a conference room, putting pen to paper.  All of a sudden, he declared, “I’m so happy to be signing my will!”  I could feel his great sense of gladness, satisfaction and accomplishment.

This man was taking positive steps for his own benefit, and for the benefit of those he loved.  He had laid the groundwork for his own care during life, and had wrestled with difficult health care decisions, rather than leaving them for others to wrestle with.  He had appointed persons to assist him with property and finances during trying times.  He had established an estate plan that provided his family members with clear guidance and expediency.  He was making gifts to the people he loved. 

I shouldn’t have been surprised, because happiness results from our actions and behaviors.  This man was completely mindful of the value and impact of his actions, and his declaration served as a good reminder to me and you that the act of estate planning yields happiness. 

Are you ready for more happiness?  Get the ball rolling – call now to schedule your complementary Life & Legacy Consultation.