Estate Plans / Guardianship / Probate


Without a Will - Wisconsin's Basic Rules for Intestate Succession in a Flow Chart

The previous blog post considered the story of Alma, who passed without a will. Because she did not have a will, the rules of intestacy directed that Alma’s entire estate pass to her two children in equal shares, while her husband received absolutely nothing. 

The basic rules of intestacy found in the Wisconsin statutes govern the distribution of property not disposed of by will. The flow chart below represents the functioning of these basic rules. Note, however: (1) the basic rules are not all-encompassing, and additional considerations may affect any actual result; (2) various life events can dramatically change the result under the basic rules; and (3) these rules apply only to the net estate, or property that is subject to administration (survivorship marital property, retirement plans, life insurance and other types of accounts held at financial institutions are typically not subject to administration).

Wisconsin's Basic Rules of Intestacy Flow Chart.jpg
Daniel Van Slett