Estate Plans / Guardianship / Probate


Crucial Information at a Critical Moment

Did you know that iPhone users unlock their phones 80 times per day – about once every 10 minutes.[1]  For better or worse, our smartphones are our constant companion, on our person or within arm’s reach almost all hours of the day and night; closer than a sibling or a significant other.  It’s as if we “wear” our phones, and at times, we literally do (I’m looking at you, phone-armband jogger).   

Most smartphones I’ve owned have featured an emergency call option, allowing anyone holding the phone to place an emergency call without needing to first unlock it.  Similarly, my current smartphone allows me to share emergency medical information with anyone who holds it, information such as medical conditions, allergies, current medications, blood type, and more, including power of attorney name and contact information.  This can be very helpful in the event of an emergency.

If you have a power of attorney for health care – a trusted person (or persons) that you have appointed to make important health care decisions in the event that you are not able to – consider including their name and contact information in your phone’s medical information profile. 

It would allow someone who finds you in a time of need the ability to connect quickly with the person who is able to make important decisions on your behalf.  Of course, your power of attorney for health care is no substitute for a first responder in the case of an emergency, but this information-sharing feature can provide your first responders and care providers with crucial information at a critical moment. After all, what good is a health care agent if no one knows about it?  

If you are 18 or older, and haven’t yet appointed for yourself a power of attorney for health care, let’s get in touch, and get it done.  It’s too easy not to do!


Daniel Van Slett