Estate Plans / Guardianship / Probate


The Number One Reason for Adult Guardianship Is . . .

A guardian is a person appointed by a court to help another person (e.g., a person found to be incompetent) manage income and assets, and/or provide for the essential requirements for health, safety, and personal needs.  The guardianship process may involve tedious procedures, tricky notice requirements, required court appearances, examinations and reports, inventories, and annual reporting and reviews.  Guardianship can be expensive and time consuming, and for some, the process can be necessary.  But there is a smart way for you and your loved ones to avoid instances of guardianship.

The number one reason for adult guardianship is a lack of properly crafted powers of attorney.  

A properly-crafted power of attorney for health care quickly and easily authorizes an agent to make decisions concerning the principal’s health, safety and personal needs, and can eliminate the need for a guardian of the person.  A properly-crafted power of attorney for finances and property quickly and easily authorizes an agent to manage the principal’s income and assets, and can eliminate the need for a guardian of the estate.  

Are you and your loved ones prepared to avoid guardianship?  Do you have powers of attorney?  Are your powers of attorney “powerful” enough to avoid guardianship?  Are your family members’ powers of attorney “powerful” enough to avoid guardianship?

If you or a loved one need assistance with guardianship, or are interested in learning more about avoiding guardianship, contact Van Slett Law, LLC.